
Adopted By Humans

Throw a rock into the water and you know there will be ripples
Pages: 361
Alien Invasion | Colonization


Throw a rock into the water and you know there will be ripples. But in deep water you have no idea where the rock will land, and you don’t know how many ripples your ill considered throw will make, nor what effect they will have. My actions in starting an interspecies fighting tournament has had unforeseen outcomes, and the export of human culture, as well as human diplomatic efforts, has only made things more chaotic. Add to that some disappearances, lost colonies, missing ships, and some very nervous prey evolved civilizations, and you have a recipe for disaster.

And so, once more into the breach go I and those I love, to try to avoid the horrors of war not on a planetary scale, but on a galactic one, and to lay the foundations for a peaceful future for all of us, predators and prey alike. Whether or not I and my family are successful, nothing will ever be the same, not for us, or for humanity, or anyone else, the only question is whether or not that will be for better, or for worse.