Do you want to promote your book on our website?
Book Loot gives authors the chance to promote their books on our website through multiple packages that allows them to use our website to their advntages, synchronize their marketing plans, and reach our audience in the best way they see fit.

Featured Deals
For discounted books and time-limited deals- Limted time deals
- featured deals page listing
- Mention in our weekly NL
- Permenant library listing
- Perma free books
- 1 month listing in our priced deals section [extendable]
- permenant library listing

Author Interviews
Perfect for Author Branding- SEO optimized interview highlighting the author
- interview featured on our news page for 5 days
- interview mentione in our NL
- gallery of the author’s previous works, linked to one store
- optimized questions after a chat with the author
- Links to social media accounts

Book Spotlight
Perfect for Book Tours & New Releases- SEO optimized article highlighting your book
- Article featured on our news page for 5 days
- Article mentioned in our NL
- linking up to 5 stores
- Highlight of up to 4 reviews of your choice
- Permenant library listing
The buy buttons link to our gigs on Fiverr. At the moment we prefer to fulfill our promotions through them, for your security and ours. This also guarantees you the delivery of our services and a full refund in case of dissatisfaction. Prices on our gigs are higher, but if you are coming through our website, please mention that in a direct message to get our website prices.
Frequently Asked
Do you accept any book?
We require at least 3.5 average star rating for books we promote on our website. This can be waived for first time authors with no reviews and new releases where the author has good ratings on previous books.
Do you accept all Genres?
We accept every genre except for Erotica. We understand there’s nothing wrong with writing in this genre, but we don’t have adult content readers, and we do not target them in our paid promotions.
When will my promotion become active?
Featured deals are listed on the day your deal starts. for all other promtions, expect a delay from 3 to 7 days before your promotion is active on our website.
** Our NewsLetter goes to our readers every Monday and Friday. Your book must still be discounted on these days or it will be excluded from our email, even if you paid for the service. We check all books prior to sending our emails and it is up to you to make sure your deal is still active.
Can I list my non-discounted book as a featured deal?
No, the featured deals section is only available for discounted books. Our NL members expect discounted deals, and we will always deliever on our promises.
Do you guarantee downloads or sales?
We cannot guarantee downloads or sales. Our services put your books in front of our audience and we promise to do our best for your book to be seen, but sales and downloads depend on many factors that are outside our hands. With that said, our readers seem to favor free books.
What is Library listing?
Our library is a place for readers to browse books the same way they do in a library. Minimal information about the books where they can see the cover, the blurb, and technical information in an Advertisment and review free environment so they can judge the book based on their thoughts and nothing else.
Do I have to buy your services through Fiverr?
For Now, yes. At the moment, we prefer Fiverr because it adds security to us and our clients while we build our portofolio. It also gives us access to a set of tools that we don’t currently have available on our website, such as guarantee delievery and offer full refunds to authors who are not happy with our services. This however, might change in the future.
Can I schedule multiple promotions for the same book?
Yes, you can. It is possible to list your book as a featured deals or perma free, and also reserve a book spotlight and/or author interview. Contact us on a fiver or through our Email [Listed Below] if you would like to book multiple promotions for a special discount.
Can I schedule the same promotions multiple times for the same book?
No. We do our best to make sure your promotion reaches all our readers. We believe that buying the same service for the same book won’t add any value to your promotion. Book Spotlights, and Author Interviews are offered only once per book/author.
Featured Deals may be purchaced multiple times for the same book, provided at least three months have passed between the two deals.
Contact Us
For all other questions feel free to send a message to the following Email