The Floating City, where grizzled antiheroes roam the rotting decks with fist and musket, awash with rum,blood and cutthroats lurking behind every swollen bulkhead.
A shellshocked royal marine, Ash Grimmdog, patrols and attempts to keep order aboard the icy decks of the floating city ‘New Cetus’: an island nation refuge inhabited by a million grim souls. The populous survive on the decks of cannibalised tall ships, held together with blood, disease, madness and the royal marines.
A new murder has crawled out of the dark ocean. Three flayed bodies are missing their heads. A pleasure house is eviscerated the following night.
The serial killings reek of demonic ritual murder. An old enemy has found a way across the burning seas, an old enemy that will not stop… If Ash could only remember through his fog of shellshock how to hunt and end the carnage.