Carver and Dawes, the inept duo that saved the world from invading aliens in Super Secret Space Mission are back at it and this time, the steaks are even higher.
The Herd Shot Round the World is book 1 in a 13 episode arc that spans this summer. Each new book will be released on a Tuesday packed with action, laughs and enough insults to offend even the most hardened soul.
If you grabbed a copy of Super Secret Space Mission off Instafreebie and thought the dumb dynamic duo were a couple of chuckleheads accidentally hand picked to save the world, then you’ll enjoy their exploits to head off a Bovine Bloodbath.
If you don’t like silly sci fi then this ain’t for you.
Each story can be read alone, so none of that tune in next week to the same bat channel, the same bat station crap that makes most readers say dirty words. This you can grab, you can enjoy, you can giggle to yourself and think, “At least I’m not those guys,” and let it go.
I mean, sure, those guys have heart. A motor mouth man from the hood against the norms of society hooks up with a drifter cowboy with a secret past. There is stuff to hide. But they’re too busy trying to save their own asses, the world and just survive to explore that psychological morass.
There are laser guns, and UFO’s and giant cows. Maybe some puns that will make you cringe.