
To Pledge a Prophecy

Estella, alone again. Did she miss the waste of space that had been…
Pages: 234
Dark Fantasy


What? Lover? No, he was no good at that. Provider? Ha, that was a laugh! Good man? Nope, he had not been that either. He had been just a total waste of her energy. But still she missed a presence, she was lonely, again. When would she make the right decision and meet a half decent man? Would she? Was there any, Estella could not help but question herself over and over again. Knowing her name meant for the moon and stars her life was void of light, sparkle, love and happiness. What compelled them, her parents to give her such a name? The moon and stars fill a void in the universe, yet her life seemed empty and she had nobody to fill her with love and light. All she wanted was to be able to love. Unaware of what part she was to play in an unfurling tale stranger than fiction.